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الخدمات الفرعية

  • Firm’s establishment, Initiating accounting and document cycles
  • Audit of firm accounts, systems and applying of authority matrix, and issuing of high slandered financial statements,
  • Tax and tax disputes consultations,
  • Supporting and developing the internal audit department
  • Firm’s restructuring, expansion, transformation, downsizing and firm liquidation,
  • Feasibility studies and capital investment decision support
  • Cost reduction and cost accounting and pricing systems initiation and supports
  • Financial reports
  • ERP selection, implementation support

Seminar on Contemporary Tax Problems - Apr 27, 2017

Was so great to me attending the seminar that was organized by the Egyptian Tax Association, which wasI held at the Trade Club, which was attended by a constellation of tax scholars, which has been held on Sunday, the twenty-third of April 2017, and the discussion was fruitful. The seminar discussed some contemporary tax problems. Very rich.

And the present, both Dr. Mustafa Abdelkader, former head of the Tax Authority, Mahmoud Mahjoub Secretary General of the Assembly, Sayed Imam, Head of Conflict Resolution Department. Mohammed Omran, d. Samir, WA. Amr, a. Ahmed, a. Maher and others

Was so great to me attending the seminar that was organized by the Egyptian Tax Association, which wasI held at the Trade Club, which was attended by a constellation of tax scholars, which has been held on Sunday, the twenty-third of April 2017, and the discussion was fruitful. The seminar discussed some contemporary tax problems. Very rich.
And the present, both Dr. Mustafa Abdelkader, former head of the Tax Authority, Mahmoud Mahjoub Secretary General of the Assembly, Sayed Imam, Head of Conflict Resolution Department. Mohammed Omran, d. Samir, WA. Amr, a. Ahmed, a. Maher and othe