+20 2 226 98 557, +20 111155 6599



الخدمات الفرعية

  • Firm’s establishment, Initiating accounting and document cycles
  • Audit of firm accounts, systems and applying of authority matrix, and issuing of high slandered financial statements,
  • Tax and tax disputes consultations,
  • Supporting and developing the internal audit department
  • Firm’s restructuring, expansion, transformation, downsizing and firm liquidation,
  • Feasibility studies and capital investment decision support
  • Cost reduction and cost accounting and pricing systems initiation and supports
  • Financial reports
  • ERP selection, implementation support

The Rise of South Korea

South Korea .. Unlimited Progress 
South Korea, 60 years ago was one of the poorest countries in the world and 90% of its national product is dependent on foreign aid. It is infested with all forms of misery, division, devastation, and almost completely destroyed Japanese colonialism. Its average per capita income was less than one-tenth of that of the rest of the world,

• One of the largest countries in the number of millionaires with 40 billionaires.
• The most basic education in the world Unquestionably, education in South Korea is so unimaginable that families break apart and put all their resources and time into their children's education.
• The world's No. 11 economy despite the small size of the country!
• Level and quality of life are higher than Japan!
• The percentage of learners is higher than 98%
• The fastest Internet in the world with average download speeds of 40 Mbps (competing with Singapore in this regard) and 100% of the country are all covered by 4G networks very fast even in tunnels and anywhere.
• More than 98% of young people (17-30 years old) hold smart phones, and 78% of the country as a whole carry them, more than anywhere else in the world.
• The lowest percentage of obesity in the world (less than 2%)
• One of the world's most advanced robots (robots are used to guard prisons and do many services and even guard the border between them and North Korea).
• The highest IQ average in the world.
• Place of residence and home of Hyundai, the second largest car company in Asia and the fifth in the world.
• The home and place of some of the world's most powerful companies or chaebols such as Samsung, LG, Daewoo (now dissolved) and many others.
• Per capita GDP is 9 times that of Egypt, although it is 28 times less than Egypt and has no natural resources at all and half the population.
• The world's fourth-largest steel manufacturer (though it has entered the field after the major countries for more than 60 years) and literally no country, no place, no institution in the world that believed in South Korea's success in this field only themselves!
• Largest manufacturer of semiconductor electronics and semiconductors in the world.
• Largest ship and freight industry (producing 46% of world demand.)
• 6th largest export center in the whole world.
• The sixth most powerful military force in the world (preceded only by the great powers only and the smallest country in the 10 most powerful military countries of space and population.)
• The only country that has become a recipient of support for one of the largest supporters of the world's poor.
• The world's fifth most powerful oil refining industry (because of their strong technological power).
• Their alphabet is one of the most systematic and scientifically based alphabets in the world.
• The most popular sport they have after the national sport (Taekwondo) is the video James and there is a video James has a full career and stadiums dedicated to the video James carrying more than 60 thousand spectators. The popular superhero game there is Starcraft, more than half of the copies which followers in all the world sold out in South Korea.
• South Korea is one of the most brilliant countries that have turned economic crises for themselves. In the days of the October War and the oil crisis, all the rest of the countries withdrew their companies and workers from the region, but Korea decided to export the expertise from there. Instead of withdrawing, it increased the flow of funding, expertise and labor.
• South Korea just because it proves to the rest of the world that it wins by all standards in mental progress and technology decided to manufacture screens (large mobile phones) quality 11K. When you enter YouTube, you find quality 360, 720, 1080, etc. It has a legendary quality called 4K, but South Korea (Samsung and the government) is working on the 11K technology to deliver in the 2018 Olympics. There is proof to the whole world that South Korea has things that are not and will not exist in the rest of the world.